Publications in THE Department of Physical Sciences
- Mirega E.O., Korir J.C., Kimosop S.J. Orata F and Getenga Z.M. (2018) Isolation and Molecular characterization of soil Bacteria capable of Degrading chlorpyrifos and Diuron pesticides DOI: 10. 12691.
- Muchiri K., Mutuku J.N., Wekesa D.W. Digital to analog TV decoder design and fabrication, Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Vol. 13, 2018, pp. 23-31.
- Ndunda, E. N., Madadi, V.O. Wandiga, S.O. (2018). Organochlorine pesticides residues in sediment and water from Nairobi River, Kenya: levels, distribution and ecological risk assessment. Environ Science and Pollution Research, pg 1-9. DOI: 10.1007/s11356-018-3398-8
- Kiboi Boiyo, E.K. Rotich Kipnoo, T.B. Gibbon, “An integrated OADM based on Bragg trans-reflectance in 1550 nm VCSEL optical fibre access networks”, Optik- Int. J. Light Electron Opt, Volume 178, 2019, Pages 478-482, ISSN 0030-4026,
- Kiboi Boiyo, T.B. Gibbon, E.K. Rotich Kipnoo, A VCSEL-based backbone extended-reach optical fibre network: Supporting up to 10 Gbps flexible access networks for Africa, Optical Fiber Technology, Volume 43, 2018, Pages 126-130, ISSN 1068-5200,
- Edgar Owiti, Yang Hanning, Peng Liu, Calvine Ominde, and Xiudong Sun. Polarization converter with controllable birefringence based on hybrid all-dielectric graphene metasurface” Nanoscale Research Letters, Vol. 13, No. 38, Feb. 2018, p.38-46. DOI: 10.1186/s11671-017-2413-1.
- Edgar Owiti, Yang Hanning, Calvine Ominde, and Xiudong Sun. “Improving efficiency and birefringence of an all-dielectric metasurface quarter-wave plate using graphene” Plasmonics, Vol. No. , March 2018, p.319-326. DOI: 10.1007/s11468-018-0724-4
- Edgar Owiti, Yang Hanning, Calvine Ominde, and Xiudong Sun. “Highly efficient birefringent quarter-wave plate based on all-dielectric metasurface and graphene” Optics Communications, Vol. 419, March 2018, p.114-119. DOI: 10.1016/j.optcom.2018.03.018
- Edgar Owiti, Yang Hanning, Peng Liu, Calvine Ominde, and Xiudong Sun. “Terahertz Low Loss Tunable Birefringence Quarter-Wave Plate Based on Hybrid All-Dielectric Graphene Metasurface” Nanoscale Research Letters (2018) (Submitted)
- Maria Onditi, Geoffrey Bosire, Evans Changamu and Catherine Ngila. 2018. Application of cactus polysaccharide-synthesized Ag nanoparticles for the reduction of Rhodamine B,monitored by fluorescence excitation and emission matrices. Starch (In press).
- GO Bosire, JC Ngila and TI Nkambule. 2018. Geochemical scaling potential simulations of natural organic matter complexation with metal ions in cooling water at Eskom power generation plants in South Africa. Water SA (In Press)
- Stephen N. Mailu, Masikini Milua, Priscilla G. Baker and Emmanuel I. Iwuoha. Highly Sensitive Hydrazine Electrochemical Sensor Based on Pt (100) Rh Nanoalloys Modified Glassy Carbon Electrode, International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 2017 (Accepted)
- Selly Kimosop, Veronica A. Okello, Zachary M. Getenga, Francis Orata, Victor O. Shikuku, Green Remediation of Carbamazepine from Water Using Novel Magnetic Iron Modified Carbonized Baggasse: Kinetics, Equilibrium and Mechanistic Studies, Chemical Science International Journal, 2017, Vol 8, Issue 3.
- Wekesa D.W. and Danao L.A. A review of modelling techniques of vertical axis wind turbine rotors under unsteady wind conditions. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Vol. 112, 2017.
- Mwanzia J.N., Kamau J.N., Wekesa D.W. Wind resource assessment for a plateau renewable application in Kitui County. Journal of Agriculture Science and Technology, Volume. 19(1), 2017.
- Wekesa D.W., Wang C., Wei Y., Danao L.A. Analytical and numerical investigation of unsteady wind for enhanced energy capture within a fluctuating free-stream, Energy 121, 2017, pp. 122-132.
- Zhao C., Wang C., Sun T., Wekesa D.W. Experimental investigation into cavitation and ballistic behavior of underwater supercavitating projectiles, Experiments in Fluids 102, 2017, 122.
- Zhang X., Wang C., Wekesa D.W. Numerical and Experimental Study of Pressure-wave Formation around an Under-water Ventilated Vehicle, European Journal of Mechanics B/Fluids 92, 2017.
- Madadi, V.O., Wandiga, S, O., Ndunda, E. N., Mavuti, K. M. (2017). Organochlorine Pesticides Residues in Lake Naivasha Catchment Water. IJSRSET, 3(5), 139-147.
- Edgar Owiti, Yang Hanning, Calvine Ominde, and Xiudong Sun. “Broadband Quarter-wave plate based on dielectric embedded plasmonic metasurface” RSC Advances, Vol. 7, No. 60, July 2017: p. 37495-37501. DOI: 10.1039/C7RA04103A
- Edgar Owiti, Yang Hanning, Calvine Ominde, and Xiudong Sun. “Dual-band graphene-induced plasmonic quarter wave plate metasurface in the near-infrared” Applied Physics A, Vol. 123, No. 8, Aug 2017, p.556-557. DOI: 10.1007/s00339-017-1147-3
- Yang Hanning, Edgar Owiti, Yanbo Pei, Siren Li, Peng Liu, and Xiudong Sun. “Polarization independent and tunable plasmon induced transparency for slow light.” RSC Advances, Vol. 7, No. 31, March 2017, p.19169-1917. DOI: 10.1039/C7RA00672A
- Yang Hanning, Edgar Owiti, Siren Li, Yanbo Pei, Hongyan Shi, and Xiudong Sun. \Ag Nanoprism Metamaterial Based Tunable Plasmonic Logic Gate.” Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, Vol. 50, No. 44, Oct 2017. DOI: 10.1088/1361-6463/aa8af3
- Yang Hanning, Edgar Oduor Owiti, Xiangqian Jiang, Siren Li, Peng Liu, and Xiudong Sun. “Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance Dependence on Misaligned Truncated Ag Nanoprism Dimer.” Nanoscale Research Letters, Vol. 12, No. 430, June 2017, p.109-115. DOI: 10.1186/s11671-017-2062-4
- H Yang, E Owiti, X Jiang, X Sun. “Anti-crossing effect dependence of misalignment in Ag Nanoplate Face to Face Dimer” 9th International Conference on Information Optics and Photonics (CIOP 2017), July, 2017
- Mogwasi, R., Zor, S., Kariuki, D.K., Getenga, Z.M. and Nischwitz, V. (2017) Sequential Extraction as novel approach to compare 12 medicinal plants from Kenya regarding their potential to release Cr, Mn, Cu and Zn. Biological Element Research. (DOI:10.1007/s12011-017-1083-2).
- Jemutai Kimosop S., Okello V.A. Orata F.O., Getenga Z. M., and Victor K. Shikuku (2017) Green Remediation of carbamazepine from water using Novel Magnetic Iron Modified Carbonized Bagasse: Kinetics, equilibrium and mechanistic studies. Chemical Science International Journal 18(3): 1-9.
- Nischwitz, V., S. Zor, R. Mogwasi, Getenga and D.K. Kariuki. (2017). First comprehensive study on total contents and hot water extractable fractions of selected elements in 19 medicinal plants from various locations in Nyamira County, Kenya. Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology 39: 54-61.
- Kiboi Boiyo, E.K. Rotich Kipnoo, R.R.G. Gamatham, A.W.R. Leitch, T.B. Gibbon, A Signal Impairment-Aware Scheme for Next-Gen Flexible Spectrum in 10 Gb/s VCSEL Metro-Access Optical Fibre Networks, Optical Switching and Networking, Volume 25, 18 March 2017, Pages 57-62, ISSN 1573-4277,
- K. Rotich Kipnoo, D. Kiboi Boiyo, G.M. Isoe, T.V. Chabata, R.R.G. Gamatham, A.W.R. Leitch, T.B. Gibbon, Demonstration of Raman-based, dispersion-managed VCSEL technology for fibre-to-the-hut application, Optical Fiber Technology, Volume 34, March 2017, Pages 1-5, ISSN 1068-5200,
- Duncan Kiboi Boiyo, V. Chabata, E.K. Rotich Kipnoo, R.R.G. Gamatham, A.W.R. Leitch, T.B. Gibbon, Reconfigurable high-speed optical fibre networks: Optical wavelength conversion and switching using VCSELs to eliminate channel collisions, Optical Fiber Technology, Volume 33, January 2017, Pages 30-35, ISSN 1068-5200.
- Selly Kimosop, Zachary Getenga, Francis Orata and Veronica A. Okello, Residue Levels and Discharge Loads of Antibiotics in Wastewater Treatment Plants (WWTPs), Hospital Lagoons and Rivers within Lake Victoria Basin, Kenya, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2016;188(9):532. doi: 10.1007/s10661-016-5534-6.
- Fred Sifuna, Veronica Okello and Francis Orata, Comparative studies in electrochemical degradation of sulfamethoxazole and diclofenac in water using various electrodes, Journal of Environmental and Health, Part A, 2016, 51,11, 954 –961.
- Veronica A. Okello, Michael T. Knipfing, Victor Bushlyar and Omowunmi A. Sadik, Reactivity, characterization of reaction products and immobilization of lead in water and sediments using quercetin pentaphosphate, Sci.: Processes Impacts, 2016, 18, 306.
- Wekesa D.W., Wang C., Wei Y., Zhu W. Experimental and numerical study of turbulence effect on aerodynamic performance of a small-scale vertical axis wind turbine. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 157, 2016, pp. 1-14.
- Ndiwa D., Wekesa D.W., Gathua J. The influence of blade thickness on aerodynamic performance of vertical axis wind turbines under unsteady winds. Journal of Agriculture Science and Technology, Volume. 18(2), 2016.
- Wekesa D.W., Wang C., Wei Y. Empirical and computational analysis of small-scale wind turbine aerodynamic performance at a plateau terrain in Kenya. Renewable Energy, Vol. 90, 2016, pp. 377-385.
- Jemutai Kimosop S., Getenga Z. M., Orata F.O., Okello V.A. and Cheruiyot J.K. (2016) The Levels and Discharge Loads of Antibiotics in Wastewater Treatment Plants and Hospital Lagoons within Lake Victoria Basin, Kenya (2016). Environmental Monitoring and Assessment DOI 10. 1007/s 1066 1-016-5534-6.
- Gershom Kyalo Mutua, Anastasiah Njoki Ngigi and Zachary Moranga Getenga. (2016). Degradation Characteristics of Metribuzin in Soils within Nzoia River Drainage Basin, Kenya. Toxicological & Environmental Chemistry.
- V. Chabata, D. Kiboi Boiyo, E. K. R. Kipnoo, R. R. G. Gamatham, A. W. R. Leitch, and T. B. Gibbon, Signal monitoring and performance stability evaluation tool in a high-speed optical communication network, Opt. – Int. J. Light Electron Opt., vol. 127, no. 20, pp. 9001–9007, 2016. ISSN: 0030-4026.
- Ndunda, E. N., Mizaikoff, B. (2016). Synthesis of stationary phases that provide group recognition for polychlorinated biphenyls by porogenic fragment template imprinting. Journal of separation science, 39(5), 939 – 946.
- Ndunda, E. N., Mizaikoff, B. (2016). Molecularly imprinted polymers for the analysis and removal of polychlorinated aromatic compounds in the environment: a review. Analyst, 141(11), 3141 – 3156
- Bosire, G. O., Kgarebe, B. V. & Ngila, J. C. 2016. Experimental and Theoretical Characterization of Metal Complexation with Humic Acid. Analytical Letters, 49, 2365-2376.
- Bosire, G. O., Ngila, C. & Parshotam, H. 2016. Comparison of Three Solid Phase Materials for the Extraction of Carboxylic Acids from River Water Followed by 2D GC x GC-TOFMS Determination. International Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 2016, 8.
- Bosire, G.O. and Ngila, J.C. 2015. Assessment of photo-oxidative alterations to natural organic matter in water using fluorescence excitation emission matrices and the liquid chromatography-organic carbon detection techniques. Analytical Methods, 2016, 8, 1415 – 1424
- Milua Masikini, Stephen N. Mailu, Abebaw Tsegaye, Njagi Njomo, Kerileng M. Molapo, Chinwe O. Ikpo, Christopher Edozie Sunday, Candice Rassie, Lindsay Wilson, Priscilla G. L. Baker and Emmanuel I. Iwuoha, A Fumonisins Immunosensor Based on Polyanilino-Carbon Nanotubes Doped with Palladium Telluride Quantum Dots, Sensors, 2015, 15, 529-546.
- Ongulu Roselyn, Kituyi John and Getenga Zachary (2015) Assessment of the pollution impact in the Winam Gulf. Inter. Jour. of Scientific and Engineering Research 6(10): 1374-1386.
- Ongulu, R.A., Kituyi, J.L. and Getenga Z.M. (2015) Biosorption of Pb2+ and Cr2+ using Moringa oleifera and their adsorption isotherms. Science Journal of Analytical Chemistry 3(6): 100-108.
- Wekesa D.W., Wang C., Wei Y., Kamau J.N., Danao L.A. A numerical analysis of unsteady inflow wind for site specific vertical axis wind turbine: A case study for Marsabit and Garissa in Kenya. Renewable Energy, Vol. 76, 2015, pp. 648-661.
- Ndunda, E. N., Madadi, V. O., Mizaikoff, B. (2015). An alternative clean-up column for the determination of polychlorinated biphenyls in solid matrices. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, 17(12), 2101 – 2109.
- Ndunda, E. N., Mizaikoff, B. (2015). Multi-walled carbon nanotubes: innovative sorbents for pre-concentration of polychlorinated biphenyls in aqueous environments. Analytical Methods, 7(19), 8034 – 8040.
- Ndunda, E. N., Mizaikoff, B. (2015). Front cover. Analytical Methods, 2015, 7, 7927-7928. DOI: 10.1039/C5AY90078F
- Bosire, G.O. and Ngila, J.C. 2015. Zn and Pb marking of Ca binding to humic substances and PHREEQC speciation simulations. Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination, JRWD-2015014.
- T. Sone, S.N. Mailu, T. Malwela, E. Coetsee, H.C. Swart, E.I. Iwuoha and M. Maaza, Electrochromism in Self-Assembled Porous Thin Films of Hexagonal Tungsten Trioxide Microspheres Prepared by Aqueous Chemical Growth, International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 2014, 9, 2867-2881
- Milua Masikini, Stephen N. Mailu, Abebaw Tsegaye, Chinwe O. Ikpo, NJagi Njomo, Tesfaye T. Waryo, Priscilla G. L. Baker and Emmanuel I. Iwuoha, In – situ Electrochemical Synthesis, Microscopic and Spectroscopic Characterisations of Electroactive poly(2,5-dimethoxyaniline) – Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Composite Films in Neutral Media, International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 9, 2014, 7003 – 7020.
- Natasha Ross, Emmanuel I. Iwuoha, Chinwe O Ikpo, Priscilla Baker, Njagi Njomo, Stephen N. Mailu, Milua Masikini, Nolubabalo Matinise, Abebaw Tsegaye, Noluthando Mayedwa, Tesfaye Waryo, Kenneth I. Ozoemena, Avril Williams, Amplification of the discharge current density of Lithium-ion batteries with spinel phase Li (PtAu)02 Mn1.98O4 nanomaterials, Electrochimica Acta, 2014, 128, 178-183
- Njagi Njomo, Tesfaye Waryo, Milua Masikini, Chinwe O Ikpo, Stephen N. Mailu, Oluwakemi Tovide, Natasha Ross, Avril Williams, Nolubabalo Matinise, Christopher E. Sunday, Noluthando Mayedwa, Priscilla G.L Baker, Kenneth I. Ozoemena, Emmanuel I. Iwuoha, Graphenated tathalum (IV) oxide and poly (4-styrene sulphonic acid) doped polyaniline nanocomposite as cathode material in material in an electrochemical capacitor, Electrochimica Acta, 2014, 128, 226-237.
- Veronica A. Okello, Samuel Gass, Georgios Pyrgiotakis, Nian Du, Kimberly. Murdaugh, Boling Deng, Philip Demokritou & Omowunmi A. Sadik, Capture, Isolation and Electrochemical Detection of Industrially-relevant aerosol Nanoparticles using Poly(amic) acid, Phase inverted, Nanomembranes, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2014, 279, 365-374
- Naumih M Noah, Veronica A. Okello, Zhaoyong Sun and Omowunmi A. Sadik, Nanoremediation of Cr (VI). An Instrumental Method Analysis Laboratory Experiment, Journal of Chemical Education, 2014, 91, (2), 269-273.
- Samuel K. Mwilu, Veronica A. Okello, Seth Miller, Omowunmi A. Sadik, A Universal Substrate for Alkaline Phosphatase Based on Fluorescence, Absorbance and Electrochemical Techniques, Analyst, 2014,139, 5472-5481
- Idris Yazgan, Nian Du, Robert Congdon, Veronica A. Okello, Omowunmi A. Sadik, Biofunctionalized Poly (amic) Acid Membranes for Disinfection of Drinking Water, Journal of Membrane Science, 2014, 472:261-271.
- A. Sadik, N. Du, V. Kariuki, V. Okello and V. Bushlyar, Current and Emerging Technologies for the Characterization of Nanomaterials, ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng.,2014, 2(7), pp 1707–1716.
- Wekesa D.W., Wang C., Wei Y., Danao L.A. Influence of operating conditions on unsteady wind Performance of vertical axis wind turbines operating within a fluctuating free-stream. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol. 135, 2014, pp. 76-89.
- Bosire, G.O., Ngila, J.C. and Mbugua, J.M. 2014. Predictive complexation models of the impact of natural organic matter and cations on scaling in cooling water pipes: A case study of power generation plants in South Africa. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C, 76–78, 35-41
- Benson, W. Ng’ang’a. A Numerical Solution to Estimate Hydro-geologic Parameters of a Fractured Geothermal Porous Medium Based on Fluorescein Thermal Decay Correction. Geothermics 51:124-129.
- Wekesa D.W., Kamau J.N., Mutuku J.N. Calibrated data logging instrumentation system for wind speed and direction measurements. Basic Research Journal of Engineering Innovation. Vol. 1(3), 2013, pp. 53-57.
- Owiti, JN. Mutuku, and RM. Ongeri. “Design and implementation of a microprocessor-based room illumination control system” Journal of Agriculture Science and Technology, 2013, 14(2), 77-89
- Kerileng M. Molapo, Peter M. Ndangili, Rachel F. Ajayi, Gcineka Mbambisa, Stephen N. Mailu, Njagi Njomo, Milua Masikini, Priscilla Baker and Emmanuel I. Iwuoha, Electronics of Conjugated Polymers (I): Polyaniline, International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 2012, 7, 11859 – 11875.
- Okello, V. A, Chong, J, Zhou, A, Doetschman, D. and Sadik, O. A, Cr (VI) Removal using Quercetin and Other Naturally-occurring Flavonoids, Environmental Science and Technology, 2012, 46, 10743−10751
- Wekesa D.W., Mutuku J.N., Kamau J.N. Microcontroller-based data logging instrumentation system for wind speed and direction measurements. Journal of Agriculture Science and Technology, Volume. 14(1), 2012, pp. 176-189.
- Enock Okiambe, Benson, W. Wang’ombe & Willis Ambusso. 2012. An Algorithm for simulation of a chemical transport equation in an aquifer. Mathematical Theory and Modelling, 2(10) 1-9.
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